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Reserva on-line

Welcome to Hotel Villa de Torla.We invite you to discover our news and offers.

Próxima apertura el 11 de Abril.


El Hotel Villa de Torla se complace en anunciarles que tiene prevista su apertura para este año 2025 el próximo 11 de Abril.¡Os esperamos!.

Cámara de Torla en Directo
And also

Hiking and trekking routes from Torla

Discover all the routes we have prepared for you. So you do not miss anything

Rooms for the best stay perfect

Come and enjoy the comfort, detail and comfort of our hotel.

Live the adventure in the Ara River

River Rafting wildest Spain ... Do you dare?
HOTEL * * VILLA DE TORLA Pl. Aragón, 1 22376 - TORLA-ORDESA (Huesca) TEL: 974 486 156 / FAX: 974 486 365/

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